Making overlays from old photographs for dog photography,

Making overlays from old photographs for dog photography,

A few months ago, I started scanning all my photographs and negatives on film. First and foremost to have a backup, secondly to be able to share these moments of the past with friends and family. A lot got lost in the past 35 (and more) years. There were a lot of photographs without negatives and now and then I found images that I had never seen before! Like this one above. I guess this went already wrong somewhere in the ’90s – but seeing this effect immediately made me curious about other possibilities in the digital space.
So instead of ignoring all the dark, scratched or otherwise destroyed film, I scanned all of it. It took me hours. Hours to scan scratches and duts haha!

But look:

Making overlays from old photographs for dog photography,

When dragging this film onto digital images, you get all sorts of fun effects. And in a way, I like it that destroyed moments of the past get a new life in the present.

Making overlays from old photographs for dog photography, Making overlays from old photographs for dog photography, Making overlays from old photographs for dog photography,

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