Daily dog drawings, week 6
I've been having a lot of fun with my markers this week, and while discovering more techniques with them, it's very challenging to find the right brown for each dog :) ...
I've been having a lot of fun with my markers this week, and while discovering more techniques with them, it's very challenging to find the right brown for each dog :) ...
It's all true, except for the color of her towel and button, these are pink (but I couldn't find my pink marker). Lizzie adores the sauna, requests us to turn it on, and is very specific about her spot (top seat). If you're worried, she's free...
Hi friends! It's been a busy week but I managed to get all 7 dog sketches in! In Belgium, I love going to a real art store, testing ALL the colors, and taking my time to walk through the entire store twice. But here in Sweden, we...
Another week flew by at the studio so here are this week's Insta doggies: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Fenne Kustermans (@dogvision) I've experimented with different techniques, digital and analog. The sketchbook I'm currently using isn't great for pencils (kinda rough), so I played...
My little puppy turns 7, and I'm not quite ready for that! But I promise I will finally frame a photo for the picture wall! Now off for a nice long (and frosty) walk. x...
The pens and pencils have been scribbling a lot this week, and it has been fun to surprise a few dog lovers with portraits on special days! From the daily life: de doggies got booties and it wasn't an instant love story (read more here) I tried...
My dogs are used to a lot when it comes to dog gear. Jackets, sweaters, photo accessories,...
Week two of January and the daily dog drawings are going strong! I even finished the little sketchbook that started it all! It's fun to look back and see all the experiments with different materials and the different types of dogs. Still, there is so much...
It's already the last day of 2024, and that feels like the perfect moment to look back at a project/challenge I started a few weeks ago. One gloomy day, I was stuck on the sofa with Lizzie sleeping in my lap. As we all know, you...